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A Guide to Painting Fantasy Miniatures

Friday , 5, March 2021 Comments Off on A Guide to Painting Fantasy Miniatures

Start your painting process by placing a clear workspace with lots of space. Make sure you have more than good lighting. Typical room lighting is not enough because you work with very small objects and very good details. Put a table lamp right in your workspace as additional lighting.

Check the pieces that you will paint. Search for flaws, problems, and excess metals or plastic. Remove these excess pieces with file cutters or sides. You can easily buy high-quality citadel contrast paint via

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This primer will protect the mini from damage; it will prevent peel paint and will help you see the details of a better model. Make sure you apply the primer to be very thin and very evenly distributed. Avoid letting it clog better detail.

Cats all basic colors on miniatures begin with a deeper part. What you do is reach the inside and paint it first. Think of this as a layer of clothing. Painting clothes first and then the shirt and pants finally boots, belts, and hats. You work from the inside out.

Wash miniature in a very wet black ink solution. This is a very important step of the process and it will give realism to your miniature.

This will look great after this step. What you do is take black ink or black paint and add a lot of water to it so it's very wet. Then you wash this freely above the mini.

What happens is that black will flow into a very fine crack. Wash again with clear water if necessary. The whole process of washing will add significant details on the model and look very good on the chain of letters or large pieces of clothing. It also adds resolution to the muscles.

Do lighting and lighting dark. Highlighting and dark lighting means you take mini parts, for example, human thighs, and duplicate colors under the auspices of the variable.

Human thighs will be the color of the meat so you take your meat color paint and add a little white to it. This makes the shade of lighter meat.