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All About Eco Friendly Reusable Straw Alternative

Thursday , 8, October 2020 Comments Off on All About Eco Friendly Reusable Straw Alternative

In the United States, more than 100 million disposable straws, most of them plastic, are used every day. They fall in waterways, harm marine animals, and disintegrate into microplastics, which are everywhere on earth.

A number of places have imposed plastic straw bans to address the global plastic waste problem. More and more people are switching towards reusable and eco friendly straws. To know more information regarding reusable straws you can visit

reusable straws

Image Source: Google

However, proponents of disabilities are against the ban: They say that a straw is a necessary everyday tool for many people and the non-plastic version may not be a suitable substitute.


Metal straws made of stainless steel are a popular alternative and in addition, it is durable to transport and can be reused..


Although glass straws can be more fragile and therefore less portable than reusable straws made of other materials, they are good for washing and reuse. Some manufacturers give straws an artistic touch with handcrafted glass colors, designs, and ornaments.

Hard plastic

Reusable hard plastic straws are portable, easy to clean, and relatively durable. Imagine a regular, reusable plastic water bottle that folds down to the size of a straw.


This natural material can be produced in a sustainable manner and is a plant-based option to manufactured straws. Bamboo straws can be reused several times. When it's time to dispose of them, they are easy to compost.