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Baby Sleep Training Mistakes Parents Need To Avoid

Friday , 23, July 2021 Comments Off on Baby Sleep Training Mistakes Parents Need To Avoid

Many families have one thing in common: they have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep for their young children. There is no need to list all the problems that arise from it – all the sleepless and stressful nights. 

One of the main reasons parents face such problems is because they try to exercise to sleep but face resistance in the form of crying and they walk away. This does not lead to anything, but the parent and child suffer in some way. You can download a newborn sleep monitor app to track the baby's sleep habits.

Luckily, there are a few sleep training mistakes you can avoid to keep track of things.

Never change bedtime

One of the most important aspects of sleep training is having a well-structured bedtime. Children who rarely sleep often experience many sleep problems during their childhood. Bedding is a process that, above all, should bring joy. But it should be predictable and shouldn't take more than 30 minutes.

Sleep training at the wrong time

Calmness is a skill that babies develop at 4-6 months of age. On the safe side, train the baby to sleep up to the six month mark, but be prepared to put in some effort first. Remember, it's not a good idea to start during pot training or while learning to walk, as these are the times that lead to insomnia.

Being inconsistent is a big problem

This is probably the biggest mistake people make – they react differently to their child's sleep problems.