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Best Dog Grooming Tips in Durham

Friday , 12, February 2021 Comments Off on Best Dog Grooming Tips in Durham

Grooming your dog isn't just about keeping your pet looking its best. It has everything to do with keeping it healthy. While it is best to take your pet to a professional groomer for the best results, it's also important for dog owners to know how to manage simple grooming tasks.

While grooming a dog does involve a bit of a learning curve, many of the best dog grooming tips have to do with what most dog owners and groomers already have lots of, a love for dogs.

1. One of the best tips for dog grooming is to make grooming as enjoyable an experience as possible for both the dog and you. Make sure your pet is relaxed then start with short sessions and gradually lengthen the time.

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Once your pet gets used to regular grooming, it will learn to expect and even look forward to it, making grooming sessions a great opportunity for bonding. For the owner, the obvious pay off is a dog that loves you more and the pleasure of knowing you have a healthy and happy pet.

2. Brushing and combing your dog's hair regularly will help remove dirt, pests, and dead hair, untangle knots and spread natural oils through your pet's coat, making it healthier and shinier. How often you will need to brush your dog, as well as the kind of brush to use, usually depends on the length and type of its coat. It is best to consult the experts for this.

But as a general rule, dogs with short, smooth coats or short, dense coats normally need to be brushed weekly, while those with luxurious coats will need daily attention.