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Bulimia Nervosa – Causes And Treatment of Bulimia Eating Disorder

Friday , 1, November 2019 Comments Off on Bulimia Nervosa – Causes And Treatment of Bulimia Eating Disorder

Bulimia nervosa, commonly known as bulimia, is an eating disorder and psychological condition in which the subject is involved in recurrent binge eating followed by feelings of guilt, depression, and self-condemnation and intentional purge to compensate for overeating, usually to prevent weight gain.

Purging can take the form of fasting, vomiting, enemas, inappropriate use of laxatives, or excessive physical exercise.

Especially women aged 16-40, but most often begins around age 19. Sometimes it develops in men and children. You can also navigate to to know more about the bulimia eating disorder.

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Here are some bulimia symptoms:

* Feast regularly:  They eat large amounts of food in a short time, often for several hours or less.

* Purge to get rid of the food and avoid weight gain:  They make themselves to do a tough workout, or vomit, abuse of laxatives, enemas, water pills (diuretics), or other drugs.

* How they feel about themselves or how much they weigh and how they look.

Part of the problem may be due to fear of getting fat, but often not as simple as that. All kinds of feelings, emotions, and attitudes could contribute. The physical act of purging and bingeing may be the way to deal with your sentiments in some way.

The cause of bulimia nervosa is unknown. Factors in the social environment of patients are important, including the cultural pressure for women in the Western world to aspire to unnaturally slim body weight.

However, most people with bulimia nervosa maintain a normal weight. Patients with bulimia nervosa often suffer from low self-Factor esteem.