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Bunk Bed Decorating Tips

Tuesday , 19, May 2020 Comments Off on Bunk Bed Decorating Tips

When it comes to maximizing space, nothing is more convenient than a bunk bed. Bunk beds generally consist of a top bed and a bottom bed stacked on top of each other thus allowing you to maximize your floor space. There are different sizes of bunk beds available for kids among which twin over queen beds are mostly purchased by customers. You can visit online stores if you want to buy cost-effective beds and check twin over queen bunk bed for sale.

Bunk bed sets are now available in a variety of styles and finishes. You can choose from the classic bunk bed style that consists of two beds on top of each other with a ladder connecting them or you can look at more contemporary options such as loft beds.

Twin over queen bunk beds

Loft beds can be very practical as they include a bed placed at height along with a lower level that may feature a desk, some storage shelves, and even a cupboard. Fun accessories such as steps to the top bunk or a slide are available in some models. 

Most bunk beds come in wood finishes that range from natural to dark woods. For people who want something modern looking, there are bunks available in metal or plastic as well. Choose a color and a finish that goes with the rest of the bedroom decor. 

Bunk beds offer a great canvas for your creativity. Some great ideas include draping a net on the overhead bunk to make it seem like a princess canopy bed or painting a mural around the bed making it look like a treehouse.