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Diabetes Care – How To Avoid Serious Complications

Friday , 8, April 2022 Comments Off on Diabetes Care – How To Avoid Serious Complications

Because diabetes is a chronic disease, there is no permanent cure. With proper care and treatment, one can expect to live a long and happy life with this condition. It should be borne in mind that if you do not take care of yourself, this disease will lead to a number of complications.

Diabetes is a lifelong responsibility. Be aware of the consequences. The goal of diabetes care and management is to keep blood glucose levels as close to normal as safely possible. 

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Here are some effective ways to avoid serious complications: 

First Step: This is an important step where we want you to know that it is important to be involved in managing your diabetes. Visit your diabetes team first. Make appointments with doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and teachers.

Second Step: Schedule all your appointments and have regular eye exams. Never neglect your regular physical exam or eye exam. During all your physician visits, your doctor will analyze the complications related to diabetes that you have, such as kidney damage, heart disease, nerve damage, and several other medical problems. See your eye doctor for signs of cataracts, retinal damage, and glaucoma.

Third Step: You should come regularly for your vaccinations. They are very important compared to every other step you take. Ask your doctor about the flu vaccine, pneumonia vaccine, and other vaccines such as the tetanus vaccine, the 10-year booster vaccine, and the hepatitis B vaccine. Your doctor may recommend vaccinations based on your medical condition.

Fourth Step: Another important step you should take is to take good care of your teeth. This is because diabetes tends to make you prone to gingivitis. Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day, visit the dentist regularly, and floss once a day.