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Different types of pest control

Thursday , 10, September 2020 Comments Off on Different types of pest control

Get rid of your food – store food in sealed packages or the refrigerator. Remove dirt, crumbs, and grease, especially from cracks and crevices. Don't forget to leave pet food or open bags in the laundry room or garage. For permanent pet food infections, place the pet food bowl in a shallow, larger bowl filled with water to create a natural barrier.

Different types of pest control

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Get rid of their home – check indoor and outdoor storage space and place it away from structures such as firewood or in an airtight plastic container to remove pest containment areas. Plastic is recommended because cardboard is the ideal home as it provides a source of food and a "nursery" for pests.

Remove branches and cut the plant too close to the structure. Maintain a distance of about 2 feet to avoid easy passage of the plant/tree to the structure entry point.

Remove entry points – check the exterior of the structure and cover clear entry points around electrical pipes, tubes, windows, and doors. In-box foam sealants are quick and inexpensive to repair. Cleaning windows and doors not only protects against pests, but it also increases energy efficiency.

Remove OTC pesticides if you don't see results. Use pesticides wisely – find out how they work and why. They know how to use it and what pests are affected. Using ineffective pesticides is not only a waste of money, but it can also harm the environment of your family and pets.