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Effective Solutions For Salon And Spa Online Marketing

Saturday , 12, June 2021 Comments Off on Effective Solutions For Salon And Spa Online Marketing

You are selling your salon in the digital age where Google Facebook and Twitter are kings and almost every potential customer is connected to their inbox. Embrace this landscape and you are one step closer to a good sales plan that will bring customers to your salon. Today, consumer choice is determined by searching the internet on popular search engines like Google and Bing. 

In order for potential clients to find your salon in one of these favorites, it is highly recommended that you have a website designed and published using an effective SEO search engine optimization methodology for salon advertising.  Salon web templates have grown tremendously over the past few years. Redesigned, the cookie-cutter layout now offers the best design with professional-quality photos to match your salon's line of services – all in a method that will optimize your website for higher search engine rankings. 

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Image Source: Google

Get to know your audience with your online media accounts by actively posting on Twitter and posting on your Facebook. You can quickly develop a platform to promote your salon. Once you are satisfied with your social media presence, here's how to LINK your media pages to your website. Since your website is online and your Facebook and Twitter posts are driving visitors to your website, the final element of your online marketing is an active email campaign. 

Weekly emails to your internal email list are an effective way to keep your salon-fresh in the minds of your clients. Update your content with creative promotions and always ask for these emails which may seem interesting or funny to me. Above all, be creative and have fun doing your doctorate.