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Explore Gorilla Tracking Etiquettes in Uganda

Tuesday , 21, January 2020 Comments Off on Explore Gorilla Tracking Etiquettes in Uganda

Gorilla tracking in Uganda is regarded as a very interesting adventure for tourists from all walks of life. A large number of tourists visit Uganda purposely to observe rare primates who share 97 percent of their genes with humans. There are already nearly seven hundred gorillas left in the world and half of the population can be found in Uganda.   

Nonetheless, the mountain gorilla tracking in Uganda is not easy because they live in the rain forest and on steep slopes. Gorilla tracking is actually quite tiring and can take between 3-8 hours to rely on their movement.

There are already four groups of gorillas as accessible to be explored by tourists in volcanoes safaris.  You must obtain official permission for each of the above-mentioned parks a few months before your safari to Uganda. Keep in mind that children under fifteen years old are not allowed for gorilla trekking. If you are sick or have any infectious disease, you will not be allowed to surf this park to avoid contamination of the gorilla.

No photographers flash allowed and the maximum length you can see the creatures is 1 hour. You are also required to stay five meters of a gorilla. Touching or spiting gorillas is strictly prohibited. In addition, you are not allowed to simulate silverbacks by pounding or beating his chest as they can become annoyed and attack you. Warm clothing is also recommended because it can be very cold in the dense forests.

For a more enjoyable trip, you can combine Uganda gorilla tracking with birding where you will be able to see more than 1000 species of birds. Gorilla tracking in Rwanda is also a wonderful alternative from Uganda gorilla tracking if you want to add more adventure to your trip. Best of luck on your journey!