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Foods That You Should Avoid Feeding Your Dog

Friday , 18, December 2020 Comments Off on Foods That You Should Avoid Feeding Your Dog

It is prudent to say that most people, whether they are a dog owner or not, are aware that the diet of dog chocolate can threaten the health of the animal. 

There are many other foods that are not intended for canine consumption, some of which might surprise you. You can click here to find some good food options for your loving dog. 

Lawyers can damage the hearts and lungs of your dog. It is believed that the culprit is a chemical called Persian, and some dogs are more sensitive than others.

Coffee (and other foods and drinks containing caffeine) cause toxic effects in dogs similar to chocolate.

Apple seeds, fishing pits, cherry pits, and plum pits. While the flesh of these fruits is fine, the seeds contain cyanide. They can also be housed in the intestine of your home, causing the obstruction.

The nutmeg may permanently damage your pet's nervous system, cause crises and tremors.

There are many other foods that can prove a threat to the health of your dog. 

You may think of yourself: "My dog has eaten some of these foods a lot of times without suffering any harm." 

You are very lucky that your pet moves unscathed from the health concerns that can result from the consumption of these foods. 

However, it is better that you stop feeding your dog all these foods to make sure it stays healthy.

To be sure, you may want to travel to your dog's veterinary office to make sure your pet does not suffer from complications, especially if your dog has eaten regularly one of the foods mentioned above. 

Health problems can gradually accumulate over time to a point of becoming an immediate concern.