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Gymnastics Fitness Programs For Kids

Monday , 20, September 2021 Comments Off on Gymnastics Fitness Programs For Kids

San Jose is the best city for kids to find many different fitness programs. When people think about fitness, they think about exercise such as running, jogging, and even swimming.

What most people do not even consider is a fitness program like gymnastics. Gymnastics is very popular, and kids can start as early as six months old. Some people think that this type of fitness program is for girls only, but it is open for anyone. Some of the top athletes have had gymnastics as a kid or adult.

It keeps the body limber and strong as well as promotes healthy bones. You can also search various gymnastics centers in San Jose for your kid online.

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Five Years and Younger Gymnastics

There are four groups to gymnastics when you are five years old and younger. As a child turns six months old, they can easily start learning the fundamentals of gymnastics. This early class is more about fun than it is anything else.

As they grow and advance into the different classes, they start learning tumbling and other mat activities.

Girls and Boys Six Years or Older Gymnastics

There is a six-year-old or older class for girls and one for boys in most locations. This fitness program is for those that have had some prior gymnastics or who are just starting out. Kids in these groups start learning how to do more moves on the mats, and then on the balancing beams.

These classes will keep going until the child enters into the invitation-only programs if they have successfully accomplished their routines.

Boys and girls will be indifferent programs as they learn different moves on the beams, mats, and other gym equipment at this stage.