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How To Design A Small Business Computer Network

Tuesday , 2, November 2021 Comments Off on How To Design A Small Business Computer Network

The basic principles of designing computer networks for small, medium, and large enterprises are very similar. Your private network infrastructure must be designed to ensure the availability and reliability of network resources. 

Dig as much information as possible before designing your small business network. If you’re looking for more information about computer network management then check this out.

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The following few lists of some areas you probably need to implement in your design:

1. Software Applications

What application software to purchase, contact the vendor and ask them to provide a presentation about their product and see if their product can meet your financial need. 

How critical your application to support your business will be, if you don't accept any downtime – you need to provide redundant servers and configure them as failover/failback systems. You can dig for more information to meet your business needs regarding finance management.

2. Backup System

What about the backup system? How many data file servers are you going to deploy including the Email system? 

When your business data grows, you need to implement such an Autoloader backup system to centrally manage the backup of all the servers to reduce administration and cost overhead.

Collecting data as much as possible regarding your small business computer network requirements is very essential before you can design the infrastructure to provide the availability and reliability of the network resources securely.