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Importance of Critical Illness Insurance

Friday , 11, March 2022 Comments Off on Importance of Critical Illness Insurance

Do you need critical illness insurance? It can be hard to imagine yourself in a position where you might need to file a critical illness insurance claim; however, it is important to note that the most important thing to prepare for is not the possibility of being affected by a critical illness, but the emotional, physical, and financial costs of surviving that illness.

Living with and even beyond a critical illness is challenging and costly. Your recovery may leave you with the cost of healthcare services, prescribed drugs and supplements, home care costs, costs of renovations or modifications to the home for new accessibility needs, childcare, and other expenses that may not be covered by your government health insurance plan.

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You may have to travel to get the medication or treatment you need, or you may simply need to travel to get into climate conditions that are more suitable to your psychological, emotional, or even physical healing. On top of all this, you have your regular household bills plus the potential disruption to your ability to work. The financial implications of a serious illness add up quickly.

Despite all of these probabilities, many people – underestimate the financial impact a critical illness can cause. Why is it so common for Canadians to overlook their need for critical illness insurance? Well, we have free healthcare, right? So why should we need to invest more money in the financial securities we already have in place? The truth of the matter is that our healthcare doesn't cover all of the expenses a critical illness can cause us to accumulate and the coverage it does provide may not arrive quickly enough if you are left sitting on the waiting list too long.