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Is Tooth Extraction Simple Process?

Tuesday , 4, August 2020 Comments Off on Is Tooth Extraction Simple Process?

Tooth extraction is nothing but a simple process to remove teeth from the mouth. Extractions are made for various reasons. Tooth decay that almost killed the entire tooth structure is the common signal for extraction of the tooth. Tooth extractions problematic wisdom teeth or teeth affected are carried out regularly, as are the removal of permanent teeth to make room for the orthodontic treatment.

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Type of extraction

Surgical extractions involve normally remove teeth that are not easily accessible or inaccessible for surgery, may be either because it has not completely erupted or it has broken below the gum line. In a surgical tooth extraction, the dental surgeon can lift or elevate the soft tissues covering the bone and the tooth and can remove the surrounding bone with a drill.

Process involves the fractionation in the tooth into several parts to facilitate its removal. Simple extraction is another type of extraction, typically done on teeth that are easily accessible and visible, requires that the instruments to raise the visible part of the tooth, often under local anaesthesia.

After successful tooth removal, it is normal for a clot to form in the socket. Rarely this formed clot can become dislodged that results in dry socket condition or called as alveolar osteitis.