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Many Approaches to Treating Anxiety Disorder

Monday , 30, August 2021 Comments Off on Many Approaches to Treating Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorders are something that most people fear. However, they should not be fearful. Professional care is now available to treat anxiety disorders. While the outcome of treatment will vary, some people may be able to respond within a few months while others may require more time. 

While each person is different, there are several proven methods to treat anxiety disorders. The Therapy Method and Medication Method are two of the most common treatment options that health care professionals may use.

DBT, Dialectical Behavioral Treatment

This therapy combines the techniques of cognitive-behavioral treatment with Eastern Medication and Dialectical Behavioral Treatment or DBT. The therapy attempts to combine acceptance and change. Dialectical Therapy involves a person or group participating in therapy. Patients can also participate in DBT classes online. It will enable them to develop the skills for interpersonal effectiveness, mindfulness, and tolerance distress as well as the ability to manage their emotions.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a well-known, long-lasting, highly effective therapy that is known as cognitive-behavioral therapy. CBT is a method that helps people understand, change, and identify their thinking patterns. The benefits of CBT will typically be visible in 12-16 weeks. However, it all depends on the person.

The Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy is a form of CBT, the method of exposure therapy is to reduce or even eliminate the fear and the anxiety responses of a person. The approach of the therapy involves the person and exposes them gradually to their feared object or situation, the therapy will also teach them to become a less sensitive person over time. The approach of therapy has been discovered to be an effective cure for other disorders, such as phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorders.