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Mindfulness In Silicon Valley – Happiness Is A Choice

Friday , 16, April 2021 Comments Off on Mindfulness In Silicon Valley – Happiness Is A Choice

Being a student at a university can present its challenges, such as financial difficulties, being away from home, or problems with your module. The current pandemic is likely to exacerbate existing problems or give way to new ones.

We are all caught between uncertainty and frustrated at not knowing what could happen. Mindfulness can help here. You can navigate to neshimahealing to get more details about mindfulness in Silicon Valley.

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Mindfulness includes current awareness of body, mind, and emotions which are supposed to promote calm. Job Kabat-Zinn, the founder of the Attention Stress Reduction Clinic, says that attention “pays attention in a certain way: on purpose, now, and without judgment.”

Mindfulness is certainly useful in several ways. Research shows that it reduces obsessive thoughts, reduces stress, improves memory, and improves the way you react to emotional events.

It is not easy to sit down and not think about everything that is going on, but we have to start somewhere. Luckily, the more carefully you practice, the easier it will be. I would recommend that you start with simple but effective breathing exercises.

Find a quiet place to sit with your back straight and your head bent forward. Now close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Let your breath flow naturally with minimal effort. Count each time you exhale. Once you reach number five, start a new breathing cycle. Try this for about ten minutes. You may want to set an alarm so you don’t have to worry about the weather.