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Problems Associated With Talcum Powder

Thursday , 30, January 2020 Comments Off on Problems Associated With Talcum Powder

Talcum powder contains asbestos which can cause cancer when inhaled, even though the proofs relating to asbestos-free talc are less clear.

Several studies have stated that there is a potential link between talcum powder and ovarian cancer. Some researchers believe that the particles of talc can move to the ovaries when used in the genital area. You can also search online that who can file a talcum powder cancer lawsuit against the talc manufacturing company.

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There are many contradictory results concerning whether the use of talc in the genital area may lead to an increased risk of ovarian cancer.

Based on limited evidence from human studies of a link to ovarian cancer, the use of talc-based powder at genitals is considered as possibly carcinogenic to humans.

Consider the following warnings about baby powder from ovarian cancer:

The first warning of the potential risks associated with the use of talc in the genital area came in 1971 when an article warned that "The potentially harmful effects of powder in the ovaries should not be ignored."

In 1992, a study published in the Journal, which found regular use of talc baby powder in the genital area increases the risk of a woman developing ovarian cancer triples.

Anticancer Research compiled and metadata review of nearly 12,000 women concludes the use of talc baby powder was associated with a 33 percent increase in ovarian cancer.

Women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer after years of using Johnson & Johnson baby powder could benefit from speaking to a talc powder ovarian cancer lawyer. Legal help for baby powder ovarian cancer is available.