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Roof Opening Framing – An Overview

Tuesday , 24, August 2021 Comments Off on Roof Opening Framing – An Overview

There are many factors that influence the choice of steel construction in America. How can a structural engineer remain agile and creative when using steel construction? Here are some tips about the market, including roof opening framing.

Roof penetrations for mechanical openings are typically made of structural steel framings such as L4x4x1/4 angle welded between existing beams and joists. Pre-engineered products are now available as an alternative to traditional welded steel framing. 

Many manufacturers offer adjustable rooftop unit support frames that do not require any field welding or cutting. They provide end connections for traditional cut steel framing. This eliminates the need to weld.

To plan ahead, use historical insights

You must take into consideration all aspects of design as well as durability when working with a design-build company to plan a new structure. Perhaps you've experienced an increase in steel prices that caused your distributors to raise their costs or a lack of availability that stalled the building's progress.

Market analysts make predictions. In 2016, some U.S. producers saw a 20% rise in steel prices. When steel prices rise, or when potential vendors offer lower-than-ideal rates, a structural engineer might look into concrete framing systems.

Remember that the AISC says the cost differential between concrete framing and structural steel has remained fairly constant, with five-percent savings achieved by selecting structural steel. It is important to consider the wider context.