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Soundproofing Solutions for Your Home or Business

Wednesday , 18, September 2019 Comments Off on Soundproofing Solutions for Your Home or Business

We live in a noisy world. The noise seems to be everywhere – construction, traffic, loud music, crowded buildings. Noise can be a problem even in laboratories and offices.

The problem has become so widespread that we even created a term for it: noise pollution. It may not be possible to stop all the noise, but thanks to advances in technology, there are ways to isolate ourselves from it. Get started now, if you want to make your office soundproof.

To know how we can start to detach ourselves from all that sound and noise, we need a basic understanding of how sound travels – not just in the air but through floors, ceilings, and walls.

Sound travels through the air in waves and waves cause the objects they come into contact with vibrating.

When a sound is loud, the vibrations can travel through floors, ceilings, and walls in his transfer our buildings from the outside or from room to room and floor to floor inside. The key to effectively stop unwanted noise from invading our space is to stop the vibration.

In most homes and commercial buildings, walls and floors have an inner support structure of wooden poles or steel or joists and are covered with some form of rigid sheets such as floor panels particles or drywall, leaving an air space between the floors, walls, and ceilings.