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How can you fix cracked skin around your heels?

Saturday , 23, December 2023 Comments Off on How can you fix cracked skin around your heels?

To be able to fix cracked heels once and for all, you'll want to put in a bit of work and will also take some hard work. There is also a high likelihood that cracked heels could be an ongoing problem which will require regular upkeep to help keep it manageable, specially in the summertime. […]

The Solution to Cracked Heels

Thursday , 13, July 2023 Comments Off on The Solution to Cracked Heels

Cracked heels are a rather prevalent foot condition, sometimes called heel fissures. They are caused by dried-out skin and made more complex when the skin around the edge of the rearfoot is callused. They can be painful to weightbear on and also the skin may bleed. Some individuals tend to have a normally dry skin […]

Why did they do Chinese foot binding?

Saturday , 26, November 2022 Comments Off on Why did they do Chinese foot binding?

Lotus shoes are among the oldest types of footwear recorded which were designed specifically for women's use. Now, the production of these shoes these days is virtually non-existent and the small number of lotus shoes still available have become maintained in galleries and museums or private collections much like collectibles and artifacts. Whilst these shoes […]

How to deal with cracked skin around the heels?

Friday , 17, December 2021 Comments Off on How to deal with cracked skin around the heels?

The cracked skin that you can get at the back of the heels is often a painful problem if it is allowed to progress. This problem occurs when the skin around the backs of the heel is dryer and thicker than it should typically be. When the callus increases to create that dry thicker skin, […]

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