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Criminal Defense Lawyers Defend The Innocent

Thursday , 8, September 2022 Comments Off on Criminal Defense Lawyers Defend The Innocent

There are times when a person who has been charged with a crime is innocent, but because of the way that the justice system works, they're forced to defend themselves in court. This can be an exhausting and frustrating process for someone who's done nothing wrong.  A criminal defense lawyer in Fairfax, Virginia take on cases where […]

When Is a Wrongful Death Lawyer Needed?

Friday , 30, July 2021 Comments Off on When Is a Wrongful Death Lawyer Needed?

When someone's life is taken by negligence, a wrongful death lawyer will be needed. Negligence is defined as the combination of action and inaction that results in death. Because the surviving family members are aware that if an institution or person did something differently, their loved one would still be there.  If negligent parties are […]

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