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Understanding Porcelain Dental Veneers

Thursday , 9, September 2021 Comments Off on Understanding Porcelain Dental Veneers

Before we can get to a point of understanding porcelain dental-veneers, it would be a good idea to first have a basic understanding of what dental veneers are, and what their roles in dentistry are.

Dental-veneers, as name suggests, are veneers that are worn over teeth. In simpler terms, they are specially-made tooth coverings

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Like all other types of veneers, dental veneers are meant to 'cover-up' for something on the teeth. One thing that dental veneers can cover is teeth-coloring, giving the wearer what are effectively excellent white teeth! There are two categories of people who use this approach – of wearing veneers – to the teeth whitening problem.

The first category is that of those whose teeth are so badly stained that they won't respond to bleaching, which is for many people the 'first line of treatment' for teeth whitening. The second category is that of those whose teeth may not be so badly stained, but who nonetheless find the idea of teeth bleaching somewhat off-putting. Both groups find in dental veneers a teeth whitening aid that produces perfect results (the veneers worn are ultra-thin), and one whose effect holds for long.

Other things that dental veneers can cover include imperfect teeth alignment, missing teeth, or teeth spacing 'defects.'

Of course, the use of veneers is not limited to cosmetic dentistry only. Outside cosmetic dentistry, the veneers might also be used in the treatment of cracks and chips in the teeth – especially cracks and chips which are so big that bonding wouldn't work in repairing them.

Now the veneers that are worn for these various functions are usually bought from dental suppliers, and then customized by dental technicians in dental clinics.