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Various Methods of Drug and Alcohol Testing

Thursday , 29, April 2021 Comments Off on Various Methods of Drug and Alcohol Testing

Since there are severe consequences of heavy consumption of drugs and alcohol at the workplace, various businesses are seeking property ways to conduct drug and alcohol testing. There are various ways to implement drug and alcohol testing. Some of them are mentioned below:

Saliva alcohol test

Testing saliva for the presence of alcohol is also done these days. Though a correlation between saliva alcohol density and blood alcohol density is believed to be the best, the chemical reaction and technology employed have not been proven to be dependable and precise.

Saliva testers are treated with an enzyme, which response to alcohol to the density of in a mixed saliva sample placed on it. The user estimates the Blood Alcohol Content by collating the change in color on the test strip patch to standard colors calibrated in response to different BACs.

Urine alcohol testing

Though urine testing will show the presence of alcohol in a person, it will not indicate the current condition of the person. When consumed, enters the blood through the stomach within 15 minutes, causing instant impairment. It is then metabolized by the body and will start appearing in the urine within 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Hence, urine alcohol doesn't reflect the true condition of the person. The result shows the condition hours before.

Blood alcohol testing

Blood Concentration (BAC) is the general standard for measuring the amount of impairment a person. For years, research has shown that there is a direct relationship between blood concentration and the degree to which judgments and reactions are impaired. The method utilized for blood and drug testing by mobile drug detection services is gas Chromatography and is the most precise forensic quality test in the industry these days.