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What Factors Effect A Rare Earth Magnet’s Stability?

Tuesday , 24, December 2019 Comments Off on What Factors Effect A Rare Earth Magnet’s Stability?

There are only a few factors that can affect the stability of an Earth Magnet. These amazing magnets are affected by elements like time, temperature, and a few other things, but even these elements do not have a large impact on Rare Earth.

The following paragraphs explore the six things that can affect the stability of these magnets, and these things are time, temperature, changes in reluctance, exposure to adverse fields, radiation, and improper handling.

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The effect that time has on magnetism is minimal, but it is still discernible. Because the effect is so relatively small, it is often referred to as magnetic creep. Over 100,000 hours creep will cause a Rare Magnet to lose about three percent of its. 100,000 equates to about 4,167 days or eleven years, and over that time period, a loss of three percent is very small.

Temperature can also have an effect on Earth Magnets. If a magnet is used in temperatures above its Curie temperature, its ability to magnetize will decrease. When is in temperatures that are above its Curie temperature, it becomes paramagnetic. When it becomes paramagnetic, its magnetic moments happen in a completely disordered state. However, even at temperatures that are excessively low, the abilities can suffer as well.

Magnetic resistance is also referred to as reluctance, and in some cases, a Rare Magnet can experience changes in its reluctance. This only happens after the magnet has been subjected to permanent changes. These changes may include changes in the air gap dimensions while the magnet is being operated.