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What Is Collagen, And Why Does It Matter In Hair Growth?

Monday , 17, October 2022 Comments Off on What Is Collagen, And Why Does It Matter In Hair Growth?

Collagen is a protein that makes up the connective tissues in our body. It’s crucial for maintaining skin elasticity, joint flexibility, and hair growth. That’s why it’s important to have enough collagen in your diet. In this blog post, we will explore what collagen is, and why it matters for hair growth.

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the body and it's responsible for keeping our skin, hair, nails and other tissues healthy. In hair growth, collagen helps maintain the thickness and elasticity of the hair shaft. You may shop here for the best collagen for hair growth.

It also promotes hair growth by helping to form new hair cells and stimulating the production of keratinocytes, which is a type of stem cell that helps make new hairs.

Collagen also helps to prevent hair loss by helping to build up the dermal papilla cells in the scalp. These cells are responsible for generating new hair growth. When collagen levels are low, the dermal papilla cells can't produce enough hair growth substances, which can lead to thinning hair and balding.

In addition, collagen can help to promote new hair growth by increasing the production of sebum (a substance that helps protect the scalp). Sebum production is stimulated when collagen levels are high, which means that collagen can play an important role in promoting healthy hair growth.

If you want healthier, thicker hair that can last for years without breaking, incorporating collagen into your diet is a good place to start.