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What Is Parking Lot Stripping?

Tuesday , 3, March 2020 Comments Off on What Is Parking Lot Stripping?

The parking lot can be made with several materials. Chances are whether it's concrete, asphalt or pavement, it will be painted. You don’t have to paint it like Van Gogh or Michelangelo, but only the lines, signs and arrows.

Parking striping and painting is a very important part of any paving or asphalting process, especially in terms of retail and professional parking. Messy or worn out parking lot striping is all together uninviting, not to mention inefficient.

To get everything on place, you need to find the best parking lot line striping services in Concord NC and Charlotte, NC.


Parking without lines or signage is one that is not right utilized, in many cases. Allowing customers and clients to park anywhere, without a designated place, can create problems, especially if the parking is often busy and inundated with cars.

Striping parking, although simple in nature, it is actually quite a complex production. Measurements should be taken first, followed by plans that maximize the utility of a particular area. Once the plan is prepared, the measurements need to be taken again, this time to layout the chalk line where the paint to go.

Of course, the above method is a bit of an oversimplification, as the actual process can be very time consuming if done correctly. To be blunt, striping is more than likely something that is best left to professionals, especially in the case of larger, more engaged parking areas.