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What is WayFinding Signage?

Tuesday , 1, September 2020 Comments Off on What is WayFinding Signage?

Wayfinding signage can be extremely helpful in many ways. It can obviously help people find things they are looking for but it also draws the attention to other places and attractions that people would perhaps not have noticed had it not been for the signs.

One example of this is in outdoor shopping complexes, often the shop names will be printed on large wayfinding signs or the food hall will be put on a sign drawing the attention of people. If you are looking for a mountain sign then you can visit

The latest wayfinding sign systems are ultra-modern and made bespoke as to fit in with any setting. The latest sign systems can be as modern or as generic as possible to fit in with customer requirements.

Providing wayfinding signs is only one element to the work that sign companies do though. Mapping out where each sign should go in order to be most helpful to people and to look its best is quite complicated at times.

Sometimes a few trials runs with mock-up signs are needed in order to get accurate results that everybody is happy with.

Wayfinding signs are now commonly illuminated to make them useful both during the day and at night. Lit up letters on dull backgrounds are a good way to help people navigate around places at night easily.

Really good quality wayfinding systems require excellent attention to detail by the sign designer as well as the people responsible for setting the signs out in the location. When used properly wayfinding signs really benefit people and help make the most out of facilities they are placed in.