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Why Commercial General Liability Insurance Has Been So Popular Till Now?

Friday , 27, September 2019 Comments Off on Why Commercial General Liability Insurance Has Been So Popular Till Now?

Commercial general liability insurance can help protect you and your business against many common lawsuits. General liability insurance is the most popular option for many businesses because of its broad spectrum of coverage. Much like other liability insurance, commercial general liability coverage protects your business from many common claims that many small businesses can face.

What general insurance protect?

Commercial liability coverage protects your business against claims four basic categories:

• Body Injury: If a customer or others sustained injuries caused directly or indirectly by your business, this insurance will help cover medical expenses and other damages brought by the lawsuit. To know more about the general liability insurance, you can browse the web.

• Damage to property: If you or your employees cause damage to one's property (eg, car, house, land, and other properties of the relative value), you may be responsible for the cost. General liability insurance provides the type and amount of coverage you need.

• Personal injury: personal injury include libel, defamation, lost wages, mental anguish, and other claims which do not fall under injury.

• Advertising injury: This is similar to a personal injury in that it was brought by slander, defamation or infringement of copyright, but injuries involve advertising other businesses rather than individuals.