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Why do we have to use dog poop bags to pick up dog waste?

Thursday , 3, October 2019 Comments Off on Why do we have to use dog poop bags to pick up dog waste?

We all must use dog poop bags to pick up dog poop. Dog poop is very dangerous to the environment and human health. Dog poop bags help us manage dog poop in a proper way.

 You can buy disposable dog poop bags from the various online sites or you can visit any nearby pet store to do so. There are many good reasons for using dog poop bags. Some of us are very aware, and some may not even know it.

1) Common courtesy to our neighbors. How often do you step in dog poo and it gets tracked into the house or into your vehicle? It's hard to get off it. And it's also very difficult to scrape off our shoes. Courtesy and a good will for all means that if your dog does it, then you must take care of it.

2) Dog droppings pose a real threat to our water. It is environmental pollutants. Studies conducted in recent years put a dog in the list of contributors to bacteria in contaminated waters. Dog waste adds nitrogen to the water. Excess nitrogen depletes oxygen in the water needed for fish and wildlife.

3) Dogs garbage is a health hazard. It contains 23 million coliform bacteria per gram and potentially heartworms, whipworm, hookworm, roundworm and tapeworm. These worms can live in the soil for a long time and easily transmitted to humans or other animals. Dog poop bags will safely contain and eliminate all these health hazards.

4) Dog litter is not a good lawn fertilizer. It is actually toxic to your lawn, causing burns and unsightly discoloring.