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Why You Should Use Reusable Bags

Wednesday , 26, August 2020 Comments Off on Why You Should Use Reusable Bags

Just imagine walking down the road and never again seeing another plastic bag scattering the flora and fauna of your hometown. If you've been to town, you will likely understand what I'm talking about. There are thousands of plastic bags stuck in fence and landscape beside the highway because the strong wind blows them everywhere.

Ok admittedly it might be a little utopian to completely eliminate this problem in the near future, but as more people switch to using reusable bags, less paper and plastic bags will end up on the side of the road. One obvious reason for using reusable bags is to reduce the consumption of oil-based products such as plastic bags and to reduce our use of paper so that we do not need to cut down many trees each year.

Most people are already aware of the benefits of reusable bags so here are fewer reasons to get in the habit of bringing your own bag to the store. One effect of increasing reusable bags usage is the possibility of decreased product prices through improved market efficiency by utilizing fewer natural resources.

Well, if everyone brings reusable bags on their own, our grocery bill will start to decline. Who do you think pays for all those paper and plastic bags they "give" you when you check out. You do! The cost of the bags is ultimately passed on to the consumer. The end result is that reusable bags are more efficient, and the cost of products will decrease if grocers and retailers don't have to pass that expense on to the consumer.