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What is the cause and treatment of chilblains?

Thursday , 11, May 2023 Comments Off on What is the cause and treatment of chilblains?

Chilblains can be a common painful skin ailment that usually can affect your feet, but they can develop on the fingers, nose or ears. Chilblains more widespread in cooler climates but aren't necessarily due to the cold. Chilblains are due to there being a too immediate warming of the skin once it has been chilled. […]

How does cancer affect the foot?

Friday , 14, May 2021 Comments Off on How does cancer affect the foot?

Cancer is defined as when there is an abnormal excessive development of any tissue. So does or may cancer affect the foot? Of course it will, as the foot has all the same tissues as other parts of the body. Cancer in the foot is really uncommon, however when it does occur it has the […]

How to deal with bunions?

Thursday , 12, September 2019 Comments Off on How to deal with bunions?

Bunions are a common condition of the foot, especially in females. Bunions are an enlargement on the inside of the great toe joint which could become painful in footwear and also develop osteoarthritis in the joint. They are thought to be more prevalent in women because they are more likely to wear tighter and poorer fitting […]

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